Promise… This is the last time I will post an article about a possible postponement of the application of the EUDR. The news about the EUDR has been heavily dominated in recent months by messages from individual politicians, entire political parties, industry associations, country representatives, third countries and even coalitions of countries calling for a postponement of the application of the EUDR.
Anyway…. On 2 October 2024, the European Commission submitted a proposal to postpone the date of application of Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 by 12 months. This regulation aims to better control products that cause deforestation, such as cocoa, coffee, timber, soy and palm oil. Companies must be able to prove that their products are deforestation-free and comply with the legislation of the country of production.
The Regulation was originally scheduled to apply on 30 December this year, but many companies, countries, trade associations and traders have indicated that they need more time to set up the required due diligence systems. For this reason, the Commission proposes to postpone the application date until 30 December next year. This will give stakeholders more time to prepare and comply with the rules, so that a flying start can be made.
In addition to the postponement of the application date, other related dates in the Regulation are also being adjusted. These include the deadline for the risk classification of countries and the transition period for small businesses. These are now set at 30 June 2025 and 30 June 2026 respectively. This gives companies sufficient time to adequately prepare for this new regulation and to organise their processes accordingly.
In itself, this amendment does not add any substantive changes to the rules, but only postpones the application date to give companies more time to adapt.
Let’s all put our shoulders to the wheel, to ensure that we create a better planet for our descendants!
Uhh… I started by promising not to come back to this? Well, COM(2024) 452 final (“Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 as regards provisions relating to the date of application”) is still a PROPOSAL…
There’s still a chance that it won’t be adopted… But let’s leave that aside for now. This is the last post about postponement…
Until 30 December 2025! 😀
See the official announcement.