

The government states that you, as a professional, must comply with laws and regulations. As a craftsman and wood specialist you want to work with your passion: wood. However, to be able to perform your profession well, there is more to it than knowledge of wood and wood products.

Activities such as doing the administration, accounting, complying with laws and regulations and resolving conflicts are part of it, but probably not your passion. That is why we are happy to take such business work out of your hands.

Get your affairs in order quickly without having to worry

First of all, we would like to visit you for an intake interview. During this meeting, without obligation, with one of our advisers, we “scan” your company: which aspects are in order and/or which ones can we improve with you?

We are happy to help you on your way: register immediately for an intake interview!

Based on the intake interview, we write a proposal containing the activities necessary to achieve healthy business operations. After approval of this proposal, we provide manuals, instructions, etc., as required.

We provide you (and if applicable your staff) training and continue to guide and support you where necessary. We visit you at least once a year to evaluate whether everything is going according to plan. Read below what our consultants can do for you.

Help with your project

IEB employees can be deployed as member or project leader of your project team.

An IEB project manager and/or consultant takes a lot of work off your hands and can bring (wood technical) knowledge that may be missing in your team. A goal-oriented working method and an “outside view” increases the efficiency of your project and project team.

Projects in which we can be deployed are for example: product optimization, product development and the introduction of new work processes. Our consultants all have their own specialty. For each application and project, we look at which consultant suits you best. In any case, all our consultants have extensive experience with customer-oriented working, project management (according to Agile/Scrum) and advice.

Help with complaints and disputes: inspections

As an expert in the field of wood and wooden products, we are happy to be your independent partner in inspections, differences of opinion and conflicts.

Our inspections are carried out by an expert inspector. In case of complaints from your customer or differences of opinion about wood (wood applications or products), we are an independent advisor who can resolve the complaint or dispute by means of an inspection (quality assessment).

Inspections are carried out by us in the context of, for example: determining wood quality according to an agreed NEN standard, assessing the strength of wood, determining the cause of the problem arising from the wood or wooden product in the application, such as facade cladding, bridges, lock gates, furniture, floors. Determining the moisture content supplied in wood is also an option.

Read more about wood inspections.

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