EUTR Company Check

EUTR Company Check

Each Operator must have, operate and maintain an adequate Due Diligence System (DDS). In the Netherlands this is being monitored and enforced by the NVWA.

Are you sure that your DDS meets all requirements and has been implemented correctly? And how do you demonstrate to the outside world that you meet all the requirements of the EUTR?

IEB can perform the EUTR Company Check for your company. We will take a close look at your System of Due Diligence Requirements and its’ implementation.

When your DDS meets all requirements and has been correctly implemented everywhere, you will receive a statement from IEB. With this statement you can demonstrate to customers and other stakeholders that you comply with the EUTR.

If you have any questions about the EUTR Company Check, or if you would like to schedule an EUTR Company Check, please contact IEB at contact.

Related articles:

EUTR Company Check

Would you like us to validate your DDS with our EUTR Company Check? Make an appointment below.

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