Quality Management System

Quality Management System

ISO 9001 is a standard that sets requirements for an organization’s quality management system. ISO 9001 can be used to assess whether the organization is able to meet the requirements of the customers, the laws and regulations applicable to the product and the requirements of the organization itself.

Therefor, by describing the tasks, powers and responsibilities, clarity is created in the organization.

In brief, ISO 9001 means:

  • Say what you do
  • Do what you say
  • Prove it


IEB can determine as an external, independent party whether the quality system of your organization meets all standard requirements. An audit is carried out to determine this. If this audit has been successfully completed, you will receive a certificate. This certificate is a sign that you as an organization perform quality management (care, control and assurance) in a predetermined and structured manner.

Are you curious about what ISO 9001 can contribute in your organization? Or do you have questions about the procedure to be followed regarding this certification process? We will inform you in detail in a personal meeting.

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