EUDR: cocoa

EUDR: cocoa

Cocoa, the raw material for chocolate, is more than just a beloved consumer good: it is a global phenomenon that has influenced economies, cultures and lifestyles for centuries. Cocoa has long been a symbol of luxury and pleasure, but behind every chocolate bar lies a complex story of international trade, economic dynamism and cultural significance.

As one of the most traded commodities in the world, cocoa plays a crucial role in the economies of many countries, particularly in West Africa, Latin America and Asia, where most cocoa beans are produced. The journey from cocoa bean to chocolate product is fascinating and reveals much about our global interconnectedness and economic dependencies.

With this article we aim to provide an in-depth insight into the global cocoa trade, from its historical roots to today’s market. We explore the largest cocoa-producing countries, analyze export and import patterns and take a look at consumption trends in the European Union. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of the European Union Deforestation free Regulation (EUDR) on the cocoa trade.

Whether you are a chocoholic, a food industry professional or simply curious about the economics and cultural aspects of cocoa, this article provides valuable insights and information about one of the most intriguing commodities in our modern world.

Global cocoa exports

The global export of cocoa is an important aspect of international trade, given the central role of cocoa in the food industry and in particular in the production of chocolate. Cocoa is grown in tropical climates around the equator, with West Africa being the largest region for cocoa production. The export of cocoa beans is crucial to the economies of these producing countries, with the industry being an important source of income and employment.

In 2022, the top 10 cocoa bean exporting countries were responsible for a significant share of the global cocoa trade. These countries, ranging from West African nations to countries in Latin America and even European processing centers, dominate the cocoa bean export market.

Below is a table showing the top 10 cocoa bean exporting countries in 2022, including their export volumes in tonnes and their market share in percentages:

CountryExport volume
2022 (tonnes)
Market share
2022 (%)
Côte d’Ivoire1,473,36341%
Dominican Republic74,4262%
Table: Top 10 Cocoa Exporting Countries in 2022

The total export volume of these top 10 countries was a significant amount, highlighting the dominant position of these countries in the cocoa market. Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana are the two largest exporters, with Côte d’Ivoire alone accounting for more than 40% of the top 10 exports. This illustrates the crucial role of West Africa in the cocoa trade:

In addition to the West African countries, Ecuador and Nigeria are also important players on the global market. Interestingly, the Netherlands and Belgium, although they do not produce cocoa beans themselves, import large quantities of cocoa beans for processing and export, demonstrating their important role in the global cocoa chain.

This data underlines the importance of the cocoa sector to the economies of these countries and highlights the need for sustainable practices and fair trading conditions to ensure the future of the industry. Cocoa bean exports remain an important part of the global food supply chain, with significant impact on both producing and consuming countries.

Cocoa consumption in the European Union

Cocoa consumption in the European Union (EU) represents a significant fraction of the global cocoa market, characterized by both its historical depth and its contemporary dynamism.

The EU is not only one of the largest consumers of cocoa, but also an important center for the processing of cocoa beans into chocolate and other related products. This consumption reflects the varied cultural preferences and economic forces within the region.

In the current European market, there is a clear trend towards high-quality, artisanal chocolate products. Consumers are showing a growing preference for premium chocolate with a high cocoa content and origin chocolate, where the origin of the cocoa beans is accurately traced. This shift to quality over quantity reflects greater consumer awareness of food origins and production.

In addition, there is an increasing demand for organic and fair trade chocolate, indicating a growing awareness of ethical and sustainable production practices. European consumers are increasingly aware of the social and environmental impact of cocoa production, especially with regard to deforestation, forest degradation and labor conditions in producing countries:

The future of cocoa consumption in the EU appears to be dominated by further sustainability and ethical considerations. With the implementation of regulations such as the European Union Deforestation free Regulation (EUDR), producers and exporters are encouraged to adopt more sustainable practices. This will likely lead to greater availability of sustainably produced cocoa products on the European market.

In addition, there is a growing interest in health-conscious alternatives, such as sugar-free or low-sugar chocolate and chocolate products enriched with superfoods. This fits in with a broader trend of health and wellness awareness among European consumers.

Despite the positive outlook, there are challenges for the EU cocoa market. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring sustainable production chains. The increasing demand for cocoa places significant pressure on producing countries, often leading to problems such as deforestation and labor exploitation. The EUDR is a step towards addressing these issues, but more is needed to bring about real change.

Another challenge is adapting to climate change, which has a direct impact on cocoa production. Changes in weather patterns can lead to reduced yields and quality, which could jeopardize cocoa supplies and cause price volatility.

Finally, there is the economic pressure on the cocoa-producing countries. While the demand for high-quality cocoa presents an opportunity for these countries, they also need to invest in infrastructure, technology and training to meet the changing demands of the market.

Cocoa consumption in the EU is therefore a dynamic field, where contemporary trends and future expectations are shaped by a complex mix of cultural preferences, economic forces and a growing awareness of sustainability and ethics. Although there are challenges, the future also offers opportunities for innovation and improvement throughout the cocoa chain.

Price development of cocoa on the world market

The price development of cocoa on the world market is a complex matter that is influenced by a variety of factors. These price dynamics affect not only cocoa producers and exporters, but also consumers and the entire chocolate industry.

Cocoa prices have historically been subject to significant fluctuations. This volatility can be partly attributed to cocoa’s sensitivity to changes in supply and demand, as well as to external economic and environmental conditions. Prices are mainly determined on the world market, where cocoa is traded as a commodity.

Factors affecting cocoa prices:

Several factors play a role in determining the price of cocoa:

  1. Supply and demand: The most direct factors affecting cocoa prices are the changes in supply and demand. A bountiful harvest can lead to a drop in prices, while a poor harvest can drive prices up.

  2. Climate Change: Climate change and weather conditions have a significant impact on cocoa production. Unpredictable weather patterns, such as prolonged drought or excessive rainfall, can affect crop yields, leading to price fluctuations.

  3. Political Instability: Many of the major cocoa producing countries are located in regions prone to political unrest. Political instability can lead to disruptions in cocoa production and exports, affecting prices.

  4. Economic Factors: Exchange rate fluctuations, inflation and changes in the global economy can also impact cocoa prices.

Influence of the EUDR on the price of cocoa

The European Union Deforestation free Regulation (EUDR) aims to reduce deforestation and promote sustainable trading practices. These regulations could impact cocoa prices by imposing stricter requirements on the production and export of cocoa to the EU. While this may lead to more sustainable production practices in the long term, in the short term it may lead to higher costs for producers and, as a result, higher prices for cocoa.

Impact of the EUDR on cocoa production

The European Union Deforestation free Regulation (EUDR) is a significant step in promoting sustainability within the cocoa sector. These regulations, aimed at reducing deforestation and promoting environmentally friendly practices, have a significant impact on global cocoa production, especially in countries that consider the EU as their main export market. The EUDR forces manufacturers and exporters to rethink and adapt their production methods, creating both challenges and opportunities.

Promoting sustainable practices

One of the main objectives of the EUDR is to encourage sustainable agricultural practices. Producers are encouraged to switch to methods that are less damaging to the environment, such as agroforestry, which integrates cocoa trees into a diverse forest landscape. This not only helps preserve biodiversity, but also contributes to the resilience of cocoa plantations against climate change.

Traceability and transparency

The EUDR also requires a greater degree of traceability and transparency in the cocoa chain. Producers must demonstrate that their cocoa does not contribute to deforestation or damage to the environment. This has led to an increase in the use of technologies such as blockchain and GPS mapping, which allow the provenance of cocoa beans to be tracked more accurately.

Economic and social impact of cocoa production

Cocoa production has a profound economic and social impact at both local and national levels, especially in countries where cocoa is a major export product. This impact is multifaceted, with economic benefits often accompanied by social challenges.

Economic Impact

  1. Local Economies: In many cocoa-producing countries, such as Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Ecuador, cocoa is the backbone of local economies. Small farms, which account for the majority of cocoa production, rely heavily on cocoa yields for their income. The sale of cocoa beans provides direct income to millions of farmers and is often their primary source of livelihood.

  2. National Economies: At the national level, the cocoa sector contributes significantly to the gross domestic product (GDP) of producing countries. Export earnings from cocoa are vital to these countries’ national economies, with the sector often being one of the largest contributors to their export earnings.

  3. Employment: The cocoa sector generates significant employment not only on farms but also in related industries such as transportation, processing and marketing.

Social Impact

  1. Livelihood of Farmers: The livelihood of cocoa farmers is strongly affected by fluctuations in global cocoa prices. Price drops can lead to poverty and economic insecurity, while price increases provide opportunities to improve living conditions.

  2. Education and healthcare: Income from cocoa production has direct and indirect effects on access to education and healthcare for communities in cocoa-producing regions. Improvements in these sectors are crucial for the overall development of these communities.

  3. Social Issues: The sector faces significant social challenges, including child labor and worker exploitation. These problems are often the result of economic pressure and lack of regulation or enforcement.

  4. Gender inequality: Women play a crucial role in cocoa production, but often face inequalities in terms of access to resources, land and income. Addressing this inequality can lead to significant improvements in the productivity and sustainability of the sector.

The economic and social impact of cocoa production is profound and complex. While the sector provides important economic benefits, it also poses significant social challenges. For a sustainable future of the cocoa sector, it is essential to balance these economic benefits with the need for social justice, including improving farmers’ livelihoods, addressing child labor and gender inequality, and investing in local communities.

Challenges and opportunities

Cocoa farmers and producers face both challenges and opportunities in today’s global marketplace. A key challenge is the price volatility of cocoa beans, which affects farmers’ income stability. Many work on small-scale farms and depend on fluctuating market prices, leading to uncertainty and sometimes low profit margins. Furthermore, climate change brings unpredictable weather conditions, which affects the yield and quality of cocoa production. Social issues, such as child labor and limited access to education and healthcare, also remain a concern.

At the same time, there are opportunities for sustainable growth and development. The increasing demand for fair trade and sustainably produced cocoa offers farmers the opportunity to get better prices by adhering to ethical practices.

Direct trade relationship initiatives and more transparent supply chains can help farmers receive a fairer share of profits. In addition, the growing popularity of artisanal and premium chocolate products offers new market opportunities. Technological advances and supportive agricultural programs can also help improve the productivity and sustainability of cocoa farming. By taking advantage of these opportunities, cocoa farmers and producers can work towards a more resilient and profitable future.

Final conclusion

The cocoa sector, a crucial part of the global food and agriculture market, is at an inflection point, marked by both promising opportunities and significant challenges.

Economically, cocoa is a lifeline for millions of farmers, especially in West Africa, where it provides an important source of income and employment. Cocoa exports play a central role in the economies of these countries. At the same time, cocoa farmers face the uncertainty of price volatility, which can significantly impact their income and livelihoods. This highlights the need for stabilization mechanisms and fair trade practices to ensure the prosperity of these communities.

On a social level, cocoa production brings both benefits and challenges. The sector provides essential employment, but also struggles with issues such as child labor and gender inequality. Efforts to address these social issues are crucial for a sustainable future of cocoa production.

The European Union Deforestation free Regulation (EUDR) is an important step in addressing environmental issues in the cocoa sector. These regulations encourage sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, but also pose challenges in terms of compliance and adaptation for producers.

The future of the cocoa sector depends on the balance between economic viability and sustainability. It is essential that all stakeholders, from farmers to consumers, work together to create a balanced and fair cocoa market. This requires a continued focus on fair trade practices, sustainable farming techniques and the protection of the environment, while safeguarding the well-being of the people who depend on cocoa farming.

About the author

Over Eduard de Boer

Eduard de Boer is a EUTR / EUDR specialist and ISO 19011 certified auditor for FSC® and PEFC. He guides clients worldwide through the maze of the European Deforestation-free Regulation.

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